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Search Results for "Aaron Roy rides Finning Mr. Ripley for 83.5 points (PBR)"
Aaron Roy rides Finning Mr. Ripley for 83.5 points (PBR)
Cole Young rides Finning Mr. Ripley for 83.5 points (PBR)
Aaron Roy rides Time Well Spent for 84 points (PBR)
Bulls That Have WRECKED The Most Riders
Dayton Johnston rides Finning Majic Shivers for 83.5 points (PBR)
Aaron Roy rides Kool Aid for 87.5 points (PBR)
Aaron Roy 86.5 points on Torn Apart (WV) at Wanham PBR Canada
Cole Young rides Overcooked for 85.5 points (PBR)
Cole Young vs. Finning Milky Chance (PBR)
Cody Floyd vs. Finning Magic Shivers (PBR)
Jake Lockwood rides Finning Lil Shorty for 88 points (PBR)
Klayton Lakevold vs. Finning Lil Shorty (PBR)